Hi, can anyone recommend a Vet in Richmond, VA. I feel a new pair of eyes & ears are needed for my 7 year old basenji, Lucy.

Vet in Richmond, VA -
I failed as a mother and a dog owner…long...positive advice needed :(Hi..my sweeties, Lucy (basenji) & Ella (granddaughter) are the best of friends…NOW. Lucy was very grumpy when awakened or "loved on" when eating. She has grown out of most of the grumpiness! I worked on telling her OFF, when Ella came to sit with me..she grumbled & sometimes would "strike" with clenched teeth, but she did get off. We then invited her back up, & she found a comfy place, on our laps to sit & get scratched. Ella (now 6, also) has gotten very good at the off & the hours of scratching Lucy's head & ears...I swear she purrs. With her food...I would hold her bowl & ask her to sit..& wait. I then would put the bowl down..only if she held it. Then while she was eating I would position myself in front of her bowl...& she would sit or lay down & wait till I gave the okay. This took time & nerves of STEEL with a basenji looking at you sideways & being very still, ready to strike. Today all is good, & Ella LOVES Lucy & vice a versa!
Basenji dentalHi, In Richmond VA we are very lucky to have "Helping Hands Vet. They cleaned Lucy's teeth (6yrs old) for $155.00 included everything! That even includes extractions (Lucy didn't need it). They specialize in providing quality yet affordable surgical procedures. You might call you local SPCA…& see if your area has this wonderful option. Good Luck!
Too Hot Even For A Basenji!Lucy (6 year old r/w female) did that today!! Would not move till she had cooled off. VA is very hot & humid this Summer. Come on Fall!!
RyanToooo Cute! All three are so beautiful! My granddaughter loves my basenji, Lucy…so much. She loves to scratch her so Lucy will lay all over her :)
Hair loss and black skinHi, No I am not a doctor, just a head over heels in love with my basenji lady.
She is my walking buddy & my lap warmer :) I am going to the Vet today for her thyroid meds…I will keep you'all posted on the results. I so hope those ears turn pink, the rash on her tummy goes away & the eges for her ears stop bleeding. ss -
Malaika 17 weeks oldMakes me want a puppy, even though Lucy would certainly not approve…she's my alpha!
Hair loss and black skinThanks! I will update with what I hope is great news.
Hair loss and black skinI have a 6 year old female, Lucy. I have been fighting the black skin & hair loss on her ears for years! She also has red scaly skin on her throat & her belly. & She is stinky… not a normal thing for a Basenji. It appears to stem from a yeast infection, that becomes a bacterial infection. We are in the process of checking for a food allergy, using an Ultra-Allergen Free dog food for 3 months.
She is on meds for yeast & bacteria & her blood tests just came back...she has a Low Thyroid count. From what I have read it could be the cause of her problems. Keeping my fingers crossed.