Pharaoh loves to get kisses but rarely gives them - except for our 4 year old. He will kiss him to death!
Latest posts made by PharaohsMom
RE: Do basenjis hate kisses
Basenji teenager?
Hello everyone,
My little guy Pharaoh is about 15 months old and I have noticed lately that he seems to be going through a rebellious (teenage) phase where he is becoming more destructive and gets wound up and wants to play very hard with me (with some play biting included). Have any of you gone throught this phase? Any thoughts on how to manage? When he is not on 10 and acting crazy he is the sweetest most cuddly loving dog I have ever known. Isn't it fun to have teenagers???
RE: Jerky treat deaths
Thank you for sharing this! I went to Target last night and they did pull all the jerkey treats mentioned from the shelf. It scares the **** out of me because Pharaoh absolutely LOVES these treats…
Lure coursing training - minnesota
Does anyone know of a good/cheap Lure Coursing class in Minnesota? I think Pharaoh is ready!
RE: To show or not to show
Krunzer - a few reasons mostly related to the time/financial commitment. I think we are going to try an agility and/or coursing class and he how he does.
RE: To show or not to show
Thanks to everyone for your great advice! Nancy was hopeful that we would agree to show him - I have decided against it.
To show or not to show
I am very conflicted at the moment - Pharaoh is due for his neuter in a couple of weeks and I am torn. I have been told by several people that Pharaoh is definitely show quality but I am completely inexperienced in show dogs and just want my baby to live a "normal" dog life. Based on his looks and amazing personality I know he would do well but I dont know if I am prepared for that kind of commitment - any advice??
Pharaoh - 6 months old!
Here is my little boy Pharaoh - 6 months old…SOOOO handsome!
RE: Hello all!
OMG!! I am so excited to meet you Julie! Pharaoh is also 15 pounds. Bummer that you live in TX - it would be fun to get them together. PLEASE send me pics!! My email is
I think Pharaoh is incredible! So smart, so sweet - everything I have ever wanted in a pup. How are Willow & Kai doing?
RE: Hello all!
Thanks Krunzer! Maybe I am crazy (must be to own a B) but I find his intelligence, stubbornness, charm and all the quirky things about Basenji's. He is also a cuddly sweetie pie. Would love to post some pics…where do I do that?