Hi everyone,
My name is Mia and I am new to the forum. This is the first time I ever joined. I have a basenji- ZOE and a sheltie mix-Sasha. I got Zoë in Africa, Sasha from the shelter.
Here is the situation with Zoë…
At the leash-fee dog park, Zoë is very timid, rarely plays or runs and stays close to me. When other dogs come up to Zoë, he growls and shows his teeth. The hair on his back sometimes goes up. I am embarrassed and I try to explain the nature of a basenji to the dog owners and most of the time we end up getting along.
To facilitate a less rude interaction between Zoë and the other dogs, I have to establish contact with the other dog first and pet both the other dog and Zoë at simultaneously.
I am afraid that we will not be able to go to the park any more if he keeps growling at the other dogs and (almost) provokes a fight. However, he is the most obedient and loving dog when we are at home, with friends and with other dog friends
HElp? advice?